Resources for High School Educators
Early Assessment Program (EAP) Presentation Interest Form
Hello Educators, EAP is excited to bring valuable resources and support to your campus. The interest form allows us to understand your campus and its specific needs better while allowing us to collaborate with you in planning the best style to support your students, parents, and staff.
Presentation Styles
- Classroom presentations (9th-12th grade)
- Large or small workshop groups
- Campus events (e.g., College Night, Back to School Night)
- Parent presentations in both Spanish and English
- And more!
Presentation Topics
- Understanding College Readiness (e.g., CSU requirements, A-Gs, ACT/SAT, CAASPP, multiple measures)
- Exploring Math and English Curriculum at SSU (interactive workshop where high school students engage with and reflect on professors' curriculum)
- Showcase videos featuring faculty and current SSU students with special messages for incoming college students
- And more!
Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum (ERWC)
The Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum (ERWC) is a college preparatory, rhetoric-based English language arts course for grades 11 and 12 designed to develop academic literacy (advanced proficiency in rhetorical and analytical reading, writing, and thinking).
Created by CSU, this new and innovative curriculum has changed how educators prepare high school students for college-level English courses. Encouraging critical thinking skills, students develop strategies and skills to get themselves college-ready.